Have Your Say – Help Us Improve Support for Students with Learning Difficulties - SPELD NSW

Supporting children and adults with specific learning difficulties


Have Your Say – Help Us Improve Support for Students with Learning Difficulties

In schools, the Disability Standards for Education (2005) help guide decisions regarding reasonable adjustments for students so they can access and participate in education without disadvantage.  The Standards are currently under review and AUSPELD and the individual state SPELDs are preparing a submission as part of the review process.

We are very interested in hearing about the experiences of parents, caregivers and teachers of children with learning difficulties, as well as students who have learning difficulties. To share your perspective, please complete the appropriate questionnaire linked below.

The survey can be completed anonymously and is open until Thursday 10 September, 2020.

Parent/Caregiver Survey:


Teacher/Educator Survey:


Student Survey:


(All students under the age of 14 should seek their parent or caregiver’s permission to complete this questionnaire.)


Recent news

Launch of SPELD NSW Learning & Resource Hub!!

SPELD NSW is excited to launch the SPELD NSW Learning & Resources Hub!! This Hub will be the home for downloadable resources and on-demand learning from SPELD NSW. Access a 20% discount until 30 June!

Donate to support the work of SPELD NSW

Your donation goes directly to the work that we do to support families.  With your support, we can continue to offer free support to families through the SPELD NSW InfoLine and online learning difficulties resources for parents and educators.

The Spotlight: Developing a Professional Learning model that works

School leaders, what is your professional learning plan this year? Having worked with many schools to support change in literacy practices, we wanted to share some of our learnings about how to make professional learning most effective to support you making changes in your school practice. We have some ideas that might just help 2024 be a winning professional learning year for you!


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Book an educational assessment with a SPELD NSW Psychologist


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