Dyslexia Parent Infoline for specific learning difficulties | SPELD NSW

Supporting children and adults with specific learning difficulties


SPELD NSW InfoLine & Referral Service

We’re here to help. 

Do you have a question about your child’s learning or your own reading, spelling and maths? 

You may have recently received a diagnosis for your child or perhaps they are struggling at school with reading, spelling and maths. You might be an adult who struggles with reading, spelling or maths because of a learning difficulty.

Our friendly and experienced Information and Referral Officers are available to listen to your concerns and provide you with information, support and resources.

Our Information and Referral Officers can have a conversation with you about your child’s learning, what interventions and supports might benefit them and answer your questions.

To get support from our InfoLine please complete the form below and we will get back to you. (If you select email as your preferred method of contact, we will send you general information relevant to your query by email.  However, if you would like to discuss your child’s learning in detail, we suggest you select phone as the preferred method of contact).

SPELD NSW also has a Referral Database of experienced tutors and allied health professionals which we can refer you to.  Many of our tutors and professionals provide support to families online through tele-tutoring and tele-health services.  If you would like us to send you the details of tutors and allied health professionals, please include the following information in the form below:

  • age and year level of the student
  • the suburb and postcode where you live (if there are no tutors available in your local area, we will send you the details of virtual tutors)
  • the areas the student needs tutoring – reading, written expression, spelling, or maths.

If you are an adult experiencing learning difficulties, our Information and Referral Officers can discuss with you practical tools and adjustments that can assist you at university, TAFE or in the workplace.

If you are interested in booking an assessment, our Information and Referral Officers can discuss this with you as well. 

At SPELD NSW, our vision is for every child in NSW with specific learning difficulties, like dyslexia, to achieve their full potential.
Your tax-deductible donation today will help us provide support, information and resources for parents and teachers to ensure all children with specific learning difficulties can thrive in school and life.

Support SPELD NSW's vital work.

Your donations in action

Thanks to all our supporters.

The SPELD NSW InfoLine operates each week thanks to funds raised through grants, membership fees and your kind donations. If you would like to donate to support the SPELD NSW InfoLine and Referral Service your gift is greatly appreciated and will help us continue to meet the needs of parents and the community. Thank you.

Contact Us

If you are looking for support for your family, yourself, your student or your school contact us.


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Find out more about dyslexia, dysgraphia and dyscalculia


Find out about educational assessments with a SPELD NSW Psychologist


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